Mushroom Risotto


When a one night visit to your cousin’s turns into a six day break down, the least you can do is make your hosts dinner every night. Pulled out all the stops and made mushroom risotto with local Vermont wine, cheese and shrooms! Risotto may sound a little intimidating to make but it’s a pretty straight forward recipe that just takes a lot of stirring. As long as you’re prepared to stir for thirty minutes, you can do it! Finally uploaded the step by step in my stories if you want to follow along! Here’s what you need:

Mushroom Risotto


1 lbs Mushrooms of your choice (or more!)(I used Crimini cause they were reasonably priced)
2 tbs olive oil
2 tbs butter 
1 onion, finely diced 
1 1/2 cup arborio rice 
1 bottle white wine (always cook with wine you’d actually drink, no Chateau Diana)
5 cups chicken or mushroom broth 
1 cup grated Parmesan, plus more for sprinkling!
Salt + Pepper to taste 


1. De-stem your Shrooms, set stems aside
2. Tear Shrooms into bite size pieces and sauté with salt in dry heavy bottomed pot (no oil) on medium low for 10 minutes. Once starting to brown add olive oil and butter and sauté for 5 more minutes. Remove from pot and set aside.
3. Add onion and sauté until translucent, about 10 minutes 
4. Add rice in with onions and toast for about five minutes, stirring almost constantly. When rice is just starting to get light brown you’re good. Make sure it doesn’t burn.
5. At this point you want to get your broth simmering. Throw your shrooms stems in while it simmers to get some extra umami flavor in your broth. Make sure you strain and discard your stems once you’re ready to start adding stock.
6. Start adding wine to your rice and onions -about 1/3 bottle at a time. You need to stir constantly from this point on (sorry). After a couple minutes the rice will absorb the wine and that means it’s ready to add more! Keep doing this until all the wine is absorbed.

7. Once you’ve use all the wine you want to start adding brother about a cup at a time, again stirring constantly. At this point you need to taste your rice to feel the consistency - you want a creamy almost porridge texture with al dente individual pieces of rice still in tact. Once you like the consistency of the rice it’s done! You do not need to use all of the broth, I only used 5 cups, it depends on how al dente you like it.
8. Add Parmesan cheese and stir for a minute to combine. Top with sautéed mushrooms, a drizzle of olive oil and more cheese!

Isabella Gambuto